

How to Build a Clash Royale Deck:

Basic Deck Building:

You need to plan out your 8 cards. 

Decks usually contain: 

  1. One building (i.e. Elixir Collector or Cannon)
  2. One or two spells (i.e. Fireball or Zap)
  3. Troops
    • Range
    • Melee (close combat)
To get yourself started, look in TV Royale and search for your arena level. Watch a replay and select a deck to get you started. Or pick a deck that you see repeated a lot on TV Royale. That deck should represent a pretty good starting point.

Intermediate Deck Building:

Average Elixir Count:

Pay attention to the average elixir count of your deck. A good starting point is from 3.5-4.5 average elixir.

Card Combinations:

When selecting cards for your deck. Keep in mind of combos. Some common ones are:
  • Hog and Freeze
  • Golem and Poison
  • Royal Giant and Ice Wizard
  • Goblin Hut and Giant
  • Giant and Three Musketeers
  • Dual Prince (Dark prince and Prince)
Sometimes the combination you use depends on the cards you currently obtain and the levels of those cards. There is no point in using a combo when those cards you have are under-leveled.

Card Balance:

At least have a card(s) to defend air units, that do splash damage, and an engage (attacker). Other things to consider is not having same cards doing the same role. Or have one card do multiple roles. For example, maybe not wise to have a Dark Prince and Valkyrie in the same deck as they are both melee splash units that cost 4 elixir. 

Advance Deck Building:

Meta Influences (Common decks played currently):

There are many popular combinations at certain time in the games. Game balancing updates and new cards introduced may influence certain combos and ultimately deck decisions. For example, earlier many people used the X-bow decks, but since they decreased the range which didn't allow buildings to protect it as well. The deck became obsolete and no one used it anymore. On the contrary, adding range to the Royal Giant, increased it's usage because it became hard for opponents to clear the back line of a semi-tank unit.

Monetary Factors ($):

Certain decks require more epic, rare and even legendary cards to work effectively. Therefore, a free to play (FTP) player may have to use combinations and decks that require less epics to function as they can get expensive to upgrade, but not impossible (takes much time). Therefore a FTP player should stick with only 1 and maximum 2 epics in their deck.

Style of Decks:

Currently I enjoy playing Fast Cycle Decks. The reason being is I like the versatility to pull out cards when I need to. I can cycle back to them quick for a counter or for defense. As well these decks usually require less epics to operate and is important again as a FTP player.

Other types of deck includes: Siege Decks (however has been nerfed from the May 5 update), Push Decks (more aggressive type decks such as the Dual Prince and Pekka), and Hut Spammer Decks.

Every style of decks have their own pros and cons and as well as personal preferences. 


This is just the general summary of the things to look out for in a deck. Always watch TV Royale to learn about the meta, refine skills and learn from others.

Thanks again everyone!

- Doc Storm
ign: iSilverStorml



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